Lucas Kunce

Christian County Democrats celebrate holidays on positive note

On December 3, 2022, Christian County Democrats (along with many Greene County Democrats) celebrated the holiday season and recent political wins.


The legendary Cattywampus Band started us out with positive notes of traditional and original songs, with Tom Parker on banjo and vocals, and Kent Franks, Danny Lockmiller, and Mark Crabtree on guitar and vocals.

Lucas Kunce, Guest speaker

Our new Christian County Democratic Central Committee Chair, Bob Rubino, introduced guest speaker, Lucas Kunce, recent candidate for U.S. Senate. Kunce gave a passionate speech about the importance of working-class Americans and our role as Democrats in supporting them. And when folks question the resourcefulness of the American people, Democrats should remind them of what we have done for working class people in the past—healthcare reform, raising the minimum wage, universal paid sick days, addressing student debt, progressive taxation, public education, and energy and environmental reform. And we are not done yet!

Litton Award goes to…

For the last 26 years we have given the Litton Award to someone in our area who has gone above and beyond in supporting the Democratic Party in our county. Marge and Mike Bramer, who won this award last year, explained the significance of this award, and presented the 2022 award to Robin Rader. Rader has worked as Treasurer for the Democrat Club of Christian County as well as being a member of the Central Committee for several years. She has chaired our holiday party in recent years and is always open to helping out when and where she can.

Live Auction

The live auction was a hit with lots of donated goodies to purchase—baskets of food and many other treats, two of Violet Roller’s legendary pecan pies, a Missouri Department of Conversation print, and Rader’s (and her mother’s) popular peanut brittle. Thanks to all Committee members who donated items to the auction! Since the holiday party is also a fundraiser for the Central Committee, the auction brings in money for future Democrat candidates!

Thanks also to the sponsors of the party AND, of course, all those folks in our area attending this year!